What are the reference ranges for Paloma's At-Home Test Kit?

We use established reference ranges for all the biomarkers that are standard for blood spot thyroid testing.

If your test kit serial number begins with 568 or 278, the reference ranges are:

TSH: 0.5-4.7 uu/mL

Free T3: 2.1-4.2 pg/mL

Free T4: 0.8-2.0 ng/dL

TPO Antibodies: 0-60 IU/mL

If your test kit serial number begins with 723, the reference ranges are:

TSH: 0.45-5.33 uu/mL

Free T3: 2.07-3.87 pg/mL

Free T4: 0.5-1.14 ng/dL

TPO Antibodies: 0-9.00 IU/mL

What if other thyroid labs I had done had different reference ranges?

Other labs may use different reference ranges, so it's important to continue testing with the same lab to ensure consistency in your treatment. 

It's also important to look at the biomarker trends going up or down, rather than specific numbers alone, as they are prone to frequent intra-day fluctuation. Our clinicians believe there is an "optimal" reference range within the TSH "normal" reference range, and they will work with you personally to identify your optimal TSH reference range. 

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